Emergency Preparedness!
Planning ahead for an emergency gives you peace of mind and will help keep your family and friends safe. Deerfield officials are preparing for a range of possible emergencies, from hurricanes and blizzards to a possible flu pandemic and acts of terrorism. You can help also. Here are some steps you can take to prepare.
Water (1 gallon/person/day)
Canned Soup
Crackers/Peanut Butter
Granola/Protein Bars
Juice Boxes/Canned Milk
"Ready to Eat" (canned) meats,veggies,fruits
Baby Food/Formula
Have a 3 day supply for each person in your home as a minimum. A two week supply is better. Remember individual diet needs.
Sterile/Adhesive Bandages in assorted sizes
Sterile Dressings
Roller Gauze Bandages
Non-Latex Gloves
Anti-Bacterial Ointment
Cold Pack
2x4 Inch Gauze Pads
Pain Reliever
Anti-Diarrhea Medication
Planning can be a family project. Involve children and discuss why you are planning. Encourage others to plan ahead. Remember neighbors need help.
Your plan and emergency supplies should meet your family’s needs. You may add to this list as you think of other essential items.